#!/usr/local/bin/php Excerpts - Chapter 1

Reality Begins with Consciousness

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Chapter 1


""Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." "
Albert Einstein

Reality Begins with Consciousness presents a sweeping new paradigm shift that we know will be greeted by a wide range of reactions. A few will embrace it, many will be stunned by it, and those with vested interest in a materialistic worldview will react with hostility. We regard this book as extraordinarily important because it provides what appears to be a broad solution to our world: The paradigm we present explains both our conventional, usual physical experiences, and yet, also seamlessly elucidates how those experiences regarded as bizarre, strange, anomalous and unexplained, such as out of body experiences, or awareness of information from afar, or even alleged life-after-death, or some of the unexplained mysteries of physics, may be interpreted.

So let's explore how these areas can be integrated into a unified theoretical explanatory model. We recognize this adventure may be very complex: The nature of reality is deep and unexplained, and this book deals with reality, consciousness and origins. So our synthesis, by its very nature, is also elaborate, intricate, involved and complicated. However, we believe this time investment is worthwhile, as it will greatly enhance your understanding of our existence. Therefore let's begin gently with certain fundamental principles in this first Chapter, move on to 6 dozen ideas in Chapter 2, and then move onto the "meat" of this exciting voyage.

Let's start with some important broader principles: New theories incorporating elements outside the scope of the existing scientific paradigm will always meet with resistance: This is as it should be. All major advancements--Thomas Kuhn's 23 "scientific revolutions" or "paradigm shifts", like those of Copernicus and Kepler, Newton and Leibniz, Einstein and Bohr, challenged long-held assumptions and were met with great resistance.

Yet a new theory should never be rejected out of dogged adherence to belief in pre-existing fixed assumptions. If the new assumptions are correct, or even just "more correct" than the old, they will eventually win over open-minded scientists and thinkers. All scientific theories are based on preconceived ("a priori") assumptions: Since they are a priori, by definition, no matter how correct they appear to be, there is always the chance that they may be wrong. For example, modern science's tacit assumption is that everything can be explained in terms of matter and energy interacting in time and space, as we now understand them, and that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of material complexity.

Our new paradigm challenges this belief. We don't just replace one belief system with another, but present cogent arguments based on empirical data from relativity and quantum mechanics, and we provide new mathematical and logical frameworks to support the new paradigm.

In this book, Reality Begins with Consciousness, we present to you some remarkable ideas that are supported scientifically and mathematically. We realize it may be valuable for the reader to gain a priority perspective: We communicate our major points of emphasis now including our overall paradigmatic statements, and then we list a broader six dozen points about our model and only then, after providing this perspective, do we further develop our detailed theme. We're not referencing them at this point, simply stating principles. We believe that this will assist more in comprehending our ideas than disclosing these summaries only many chapters later, because at any point you can return to these summaries. We request our readers to keep an open mind until you have seen the whole picture. It will involve learning a number of new concepts and new terminology. If you will do this, we believe you will see the unfolding of a comprehensive new paradigm that will expand science to encompass aspects of reality heretofore excluded from the scientific search for truth.

These initial statements in Chapters 1 and 2, at this point can be perceived as equivalent to abstracts that are non-referenced. But we have endeavored to support every component of this model with appropriate sources spread through the body of this book. There are many new ideas in this chapter (Chapter 1). These concepts reflect our broad brushstrokes. However, with several headers below, there are also many new terms or phrases you may be unfamiliar with. The object is to prioritize your reading.

If you have not read about this model before, may we make a suggestion?
• First please read the section below on the Brief Summary of TDVP, but only the italicized sections first. This way you will obtain a perspective, without the detail.
• Then please re-read this chapter a second time, this time including the regular print.
• If needed, thereafter, please refer to the glossary above (or the supplemental book Glimpses and Glossary) for terms that you may not recognize, and please use these pictorial representations ("glimpses") to further conceptualize our points. We effectively are subdividing this into Chapter 1A and 1B. Chapter 1A contains just the italicized sections; and then in Chapter 1B, we add the regular font and amplify those sections.

The analogy
Let's draw a simple, fun metaphor with our model. Imagine an elephant. He perceives this strange object that always seems to follow him about. Yet he cannot quite reach it all the time. It is something separate, and yet it cannot be. What is it? Why does it do this? And then, one day, he recognized this strange object in other elephants. Why do they have it? They use this object in drinking and in swooshing trees. Then, another elephant's strange object gets entangled with his. And he feels pain, and pulls it back. Suddenly, he realizes he is the owner of this object.

The elephant does not know the name of the peculiar object, but now experiences his trunk is part of himself. It had been the hidden part, the part he accessed all the time, and yet he finally realizes it's his. He could not conceptualize it consciously but he did have some kind of knowing: this foreign object that tracked him was a part of him. His previously hidden object occupied space but was more than that. It was now revealed, a part of his life's experience in time in the past, present and future. And now it was this vague awareness, this consciousness. He could not conceptualize the jump but effectively, he was whole again, his time, space and consciousness were all connected into one: They were one; they were tethered together, always and inseparably. One day, he overheard a human refer to his "trunk". He liked this new name, this neologism. He now understood that that "trunk" was, indeed, a part of himself, a part he had never before recognized. And yet it was an inseparable part of his previously hidden reality.

The elephant's single reality trunk was part of that single previously hidden reality, and that part of his individual self became part of his group self. He was part of a broader community. His hidden reality was now recognized as a functioning part of himself, though he had not known its name. And he could move that trunk in every direction. It was his free choice.

The Brief Summary of TDVP
1. The Model:
In this book, Reality Begins with Consciousness, we propose a model that appears to be the first comprehensive paradigm that can be explained consistently in science, mathematics and ultimately, as a consequence of the scientific and mathematical analysis, philosophy. The model is applicable in all the known sciences--the broader physical, psychological, biological and consciousness sciences. Hence it is not only a paradigm for one science, it is a "metaparadigm", with the prefix meta- referring throughout this book, to a higher or broader level, in this case a broad ranging paradigm.

2. Language:
Because TDVP is a wide-ranging metaparadigm that works empirically and mathematically, involving Dimensional Biopsychophysics, it requires:
• a new language at times as there are new concepts;
• clear and precise well-defined terminology, to avoid ambiguity and
• well-defined ideas that take into account all the known or proposed elements in Dimensions, Infinity, Consciousness, Tethering and Unification (mnemonic: DICTU).

3. TDVP: What is it?
Our model is called Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP). The consequent philosophical model is called Unified Monism. These terms are technical but are given as a broader perspective here. We explain them in more detail throughout this book.
• Triadic Space, Time and broader 'Consciousness' tethered together
• Dimensions of extent involving mathematical distinctions
• Vortices involving curved movements. These individual vortices interface across dimensions (we call this "vortices indivension" allowing a communication system). The finite is a 9 dimensional (9D) vortical reality, and the transfinite is a 10th plus dimensional vortical reality.
• Paradigm (Metaparadigm /Theory of Everything) across the sciences and mathematics with unification of the infinite and finite resulting in the philosophical model of Unified Monism
• The implications of TDVP lead to "Unified Monism" (UM), a new philosophical model.

4. A mnemonic that summarizes the key parts of TDVP:
To give the reader a priority system, we suggest the following acronym, DICTU.
• Dimensions
• Infinity
• Consciousness
• Tethering of Time (T-), Space (S-) and Consciousness (C-)
• Unification of infinity and the finite makes up Reality.

If these five points are remembered, you will understand the basics of TDVP: DICTU.

To clarify DICTU very briefly:
• Reality is a whole unit of the infinite surrounding/ containing/ pervading the finite. Imagine an ocean that not only is around the continents but is hidden within them, as well. The infinite is that all pervasive ocean, the finite is the land-mass of the continents.
• The infinite involves a continuity that is without end, and it contains all the discrete finite experience at every dimensional level. Infinity reflects an unending (open) subreality . The infinite is unending in space and time, and it contains all information. When information is meaningfully utilized it is "higher consciousness".
• The finite is different from the infinite because the finite is discrete. The finite involves the discrete, closed subreality that we experience on a day-to-day basis. It is made up of separable tiny units such as Quanta. (Because Quanta usually do not refer to "consciousness", we use the term "qualits" to include Mass, energy and consciousness).
• The infinite and finite subrealities manifest in the three substrates of all of Space (S), Time (T) and "Consciousness" (C) or when referred to together, the "STC substrates".
• Dimensions are not just arbitrary terms, but can be measured --they have extent--and can be distinguished from each other (hence the term "Distinctions"). Dimensions involve three different substrates, namely Space, Time and "Consciousness" (S, T, and C).
• These S, T and C substrates constitute a triad. They are always tethered together. They cannot be separated. It's more than just being linked. It's like Space (length, breadth, height) cannot be expressed without that moment in our world, that we call the present. Add to this consciousness: We simply cannot have time without space, or space or time without consciousness. They are fundamentally "inseparably tethered from their origin". In the finite context, this tethering manifests across, between and within multiple fluctuating dimensions. They always exist together in both the finite and the infinite.
• Consciousness has several unifying components making it the most difficult term in all of the sciences to define: i. "Quantum (Qualit) Consciousness": At the most basic level, the data of physics (e. g. the Copenhagen interpretation) suggests even the most elementary particle or quantum has a kind of meaning imbued in it;
ii. "Psychological Consciousness": At the next level, there are Psychological aspects of Consciousness, sometimes on the surface, sometimes not;
iii. "Neurological Consciousness": Then there is Neurological Consciousness: This provides the endpoint of all consciousness expressed in living beings-- the brain and nervous system.
iv. "Higher Consciousness": Finally, there are deeper higher levels of consciousness. This could be an expression of a meaningful source of information ("metainformation") from the continuous without end infinite ("metaconsciousness") or from the discrete equivalent, the transfinite (Transfinite Consciousness) (includes qualities like love, honor, or even negatives e.g., hatred?).

5. The reason for TDVP
What is the take home message for TDVP-- the triadic dimensional-distinction vortical paradigm? Why is it necessary?
• TDVP begins as science, is further validated in part by mathematics, and has as a secondary consequence, philosophy.
• TDVP developed out of necessity because other explanations of reality had failed. It is not something arbitrary. We regard it as needed to explain the world, our cosmos, our universe, and our reality.
• In this book we show that it is currently the most logical candidate to explain that reality. This is so because all the other models, though often very good, have failed; and TDVP when compared with 23 others, scores a perfect 39/39, whereas the others (besides our own original theories of Neppe and Close) score <20/39. (These scores are from a comprehensive comparison of theories in Table 5).

6. Why we use TDVP:
i. The current scientific model has failed:
• There are contradictions reflected in Quantum Mechanics and Relativity,
• There are unexplained areas of the Reductionistic Model.
• There are areas that are unexplained such as psi phenomena and even cosmological elements such as evolution. These limitations required and require developing a new model. ii. TDVP is a metaparadigm that works scientifically
• It applies the available empirical and theoretical data across all the known, broader sciences.
• The broader sciences include the physical, psychological, consciousness and biological disciplines and their sub-disciplines.
• It embraces principles in all the sciences.
• It has applicability to these scientific principles.
• It examines processes not content.
• Is different from any other model of reality previously proposed.
• It has some general and specific areas of commonality with several other models
• Based on comparative criteria of pertinence;
• TDVP scores perfectly,
• it is far better than any other models currently postulated,
• it is currently the best available model for a metaparadigm and theory of everything.
• many hypotheses have already been tested, researched and demonstrated. For example:
• research in psi phenomena (in parapsychological research) actively demonstrates that in nine different areas of data meta-analysis, the chances of such events occurring is less than one in a billion, strongly supporting the relative nonlocal TDVP features;
• the double-slit, delayed choice, Aspect and following experiments all support the role of consciousness;
• mathematically and empirically, subatomic physics data supports spin (vortices).
• Based on progress for the future:
• The applications and knowledge base in TDVP is growing with every month;
• TDVP generates some six hundred hypotheses to be tested or examined.

7. The Axiom of TDVP:
TDVP is based on a single axiom.
The substrates of Time, Space and a broader "Consciousness" have always been inseparably tethered together-- ostensibly, tightly, loosely or slightly-- in both the finite and the infinite subrealities. The discrete (quantal) finite is contained in the (continuous) infinite resulting philosophically in a unified monistic reality.

The reader could correctly point out there are twenty terms that need clarification in this definition. There are indeed. And they generate exponentially more. That's why we need to apply definitions and if the word is imprecise, then we need alternatives-- neologisms.

This is because we are dealing with a new scientific discipline. We call it Dimensional Biopsychophysics (another neologism). Dimensional Biopsychophysics (DP) is a new multidisciplinary term that impacts across many different major areas of study. DP includes dimensions, the finite and infinite, and consciousness. It integrates the broader scientific biological, psychological and physical disciplines and includes mathematics. DP deals with reality. Therefore, its study is not trivial and effectively this book is like an undergraduate degree of study. It may require several reads just like a textbook will. But we hope you will benefit.

• We carefully define every single term in TDVP and many others. So at this point, let's just work on understanding principles, not detail.
• So let's work from first principles, not being concerned if everything is not understood yet. This is why there's a book!

8. The mathematics in TDVP:
TDVP is further validated through mathematics. TDVP not only applies the broader sciences empirically, but several mathematical techniques allow for primary source proofs and explanations.

These include two important new areas of mathematics, pioneered by Dr Edward Close and fundamentally applicable to Dimensions and distinctions namely:
• The Calculus of Distinctions allows for examination and testing of essential concepts.
• The technique of Dimensional Extrapolation mathematically facilitates movement across dimensions and is therefore highly pertinent in "Dimensionometry" --a new multidimensional extended geometry.

Other fundamental areas of mathematics allow for appreciation of the infinite:
• The awareness of the Goedel incompleteness theorem forces the further application of infinity.
• The application of Cantor's ordinals particularly in the transfinite, and his concepts of the infinite are critical including the "infinity of the infinities".

Further mathematical applications are pertinent beyond 5 dimensions (3S-1t-1C):
• The use of Fermat's Last Theorem allows for conceptualizing vortices, triads and asymmetry beyond three dimensions.
• The application of modifications of the Pythagorean theorem allows for development of dimensionometry.
• In TDVP, mathematically, the application of real, imaginary, complex numbers allows conceptualizing the first nine dimensions of Space, Time and "Consciousness"; and hypercomplex numbers are used in the transfinite ordinal, cardinal and transcendental reality.

The mathematics leads logically to a 9 dimensional spin model:
• In the finite reality, we propose 9 dimensions, most likely three of space, three of time, and three of "consciousness" (S3, T3, C3). Mathematically, S, T and C differ considerably.
• The logic of TDVP is justified applying complex mathematical physics where we demonstrate the feasibility of 9 rotating finite dimensions. The Cabibbo angle, known as 13.04 degrees, but currently unexplained by the Standard Model Of Physics, is derived as a consequence of this proposed 9 dimensional model. As TDVP is the only model that proposes 9 finite dimensions with vortices, such a finding is of profound importance to justify this model.

We further extend the mathematical portion of the TDVP model beyond 9 finite dimensions into the transfinite.
• At this higher level are the transfinite dimensions: We refer to these mathematically as "10th plus dimensions". Transfinite refers to "countable infinity": In the everyday sense, this is not really countable because it's so large--like the number of stars; but, in mathematics "countable" is defined as a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of a set (infinite or finite) and the cardinal numbers (integers). The transfinite is discrete as opposed to the infinite that is continuous. In contrast, we have the infinite which cannot be directly experienced but can only be "mirrored" through the finite subreality (and at the highest conceptual level, the transfinite).
• This transfinite conceptualization might have significant applications, inter alia, because of its mathematical implications. Mathematically, we propose that in the transfinite we're dealing with hypercomplex numbers. Effectively, this could imply that the "complex numbers" we can mathematically demonstrate in consciousness in the finite, may be reflected by an even more subtle derivation in the transfinite. This means that Space and Time must totally be contained in Consciousness in the transfinite reality. There is a complete unification and this extends to the infinite subreality that completely pervades the discrete finite and fuzzier (because it is uncountable and extends forever) transfinite subrealities. We can mathematically still calculate based on discreteness such as in quanta or qualits.
• But when we reach the continuous infinite, any discrete mathematical calculations are irrelevant. The infinite cannot therefore be analyzed in a "consciousness" like our sentient awareness, that neurophysiologically, thinks like a computer, possibly in discrete bits. We can only conceptualize the full synthetic gestalt of the Infinite, with its forever, unextended space, and unending information source translating into an infinite potential for meaning. We can only see the mirror that is the finite.

9. Philosophy and Mysticism:
TDVP bears a similarity in philosophical elements to ancient mysticism. TDVP is particularly applicable to Kabbalah, because, although Kabbalah is esoteric and ambiguous, it includes, inter alia, all of TDVP's title, namely being triadic, dimensional, making distinctions, having vortical elements and being a paradigm. However, our TDVP model involves empirical science and mathematics from the start and is more specific, direct in its information and amplifies and clarifies certain areas. The consequential result of TDVP is a philosophical model that is applicable to the brain and body, as well as the broader infinite and finite. "Unified Monism" is the necessary philosophical consequence of TDVP, not a primary metaphysical or philosophical conceptual model. Like Kabbalah and TDVP, some of the Eastern mystical philosophies (e.g., Vedic varieties) recognize the unification of reality, the infinite subreality, the broader role of consciousness and a higher guiding element.

10. Feasibility and falsifiability as a system of proof and verification:
TDVP like any multidimensional or cosmological model requires an extension of scientific analyses. This requires the development of our new feasible Philosophy of Science analytic technique, Lower Dimensional Feasibility, Absent Falsification (LFAF). This is so, as higher dimensional or cosmological aspects often cannot be directly falsified in our worldly "restricted 3S-1t reality". This means that if we could not prove it, it would become metaphysical: Instead, we can apply the new LFAF technique to recognize that other higher dimensions still produce verifiable information in 3S-1t. We then ask "is it feasible?" If we can express the empirical information scientifically in 3S-1t as a piece of a complex jigsaw puzzle, then it is feasible if it had not been falsified. This LFAF technique effectively involves the methodology of literature review, hypotheses, methods, results, analysis, discussions and provisional conclusions (including statistical, clinical significance and observational non-statistically needed analyses) applying the recognized (Popperian) "not falsified" scientific analyses and then amplifying by saying "can this actively fit what we know into a 3S-1t (or lower dimensional) jigsaw puzzle?" If that is feasible, then that provisionally and empirically validates, and we can progressively develop further hypotheses in that scientific discipline (a paradigm) and further apply LFAF in other sciences (metaparadigm).

11. Nature:
The nature of reality is vast and complex and conforms to the laws of nature.
• Hence any explanation of reality is necessarily vast and complex.
• TDVP attempts to explain the nature of reality and therefore is vast, complex and requires careful multidisciplinary examination.
• TDVP conforms to the laws of nature.
• Many of the laws of nature, particularly the laws involving the infinite reality, are not well understood.

12. Understanding our perceptions:
Let's prioritize our understanding:
• Our perceptions and those that many others perceive (e.g., for millions watching the same sports match on TV) commonly produce results which we interpret as an "objective" reality: It is more correctly "a common reality which we make objective" through our interpretations.
• In our common living reality experience, the dimensional domain level is 3S-1t
• However, there is always some subjective awareness, so it is actually 3S-1t-1C.
• As living beings, we're actually experiencing a very limited reality in "restricted 3S-1t"(-1+C)". For example, we cannot see in the Infrared or Ultraviolet.
• The rest of reality is "hidden".
• We cannot usually directly perceive higher dimensions, either: We only can conceptualize such higher dimensions. Therefore, our experiences are limited to our interpretations of such experiences. Certain altered consciousness states (such as meditation; alleged post-mortem survival; mystical awarenesses; near death experiences and maybe dreams) might allow us to more directly access higher dimensional perceptions.
• This hidden component is relative to our perspective: Consequently it may be regarded as relative to the hidden 3S-1t, to the hidden lower dimensions, to the transfinite, to the continuous infinite, and ultimately to the mystical infinite.
• We cannot directly experience the infinite. The best we can do is experience "mirrors" of that infinite through these discrete components of the finite.
• Any finite-infinite reality is experienced subjectively relative to the various pertinent dimensions being considered (the dimensional domain level). This has implications in a multidimensional reality. For example, so-called near death experients could perceive reality differently, not from the 3S-1t-1C domain, but from other dimensional domains.

13. Subjectivity and objectivity
• Our subjective experience is usually interpreted as individual, but it could be at any level of individuality (so more correctly, it is at the "individual-unit" level such as group, individual, family, ethnic, cultural, social or even species) (GIFECSs).
• TDVP involves a multisystems approach epitomized by the "individual-unit" and recognizing the great unification of all the ethicospirituobiopsychofamiliosocioethnicocultural systems.
• While living, our common subjective experience creates a secondary somewhat common objectivity: Millions may, for example, see a specific event on television and this then becomes factual.
• In contrast, based on the accumulated empirical reports, great variations of interpretations in alleged "after death communications" from the survival state support the awarenesses that such descriptions are inconsistent and greatly varied in content. We are not at this point commenting on the veridicality (the truth) of such subjective experiences, only that objectivity may be more difficult, if, indeed, we're postulating different dimensional domains. Such interpretations would not have commonality producing the kind of objectivity that our current living 3S-1t-1C existence has, because millions cannot potentially validate events. Instead, higher dimensional communications have idiosyncratic or unique elements: We cannot, for example, objectively validate sources of information or data from an alleged communicator, because besides the individual subjectivity, the data must usually be interpreted combined with the psychological distortions of the medium in 3S-1t-1C.
• By applying dimensional mathematical models and combining them with reported subjective data, we can obtain a greater perspective of the limitations of both our subjective sentient experience plus the great variations of interpretations that allegedly occur in other altered states of consciousness (ASCs).
• What is potentially available across dimensions is vast and across infinity is truly infinite. What is used at any point is a miniscule fraction of the available S, T and C.

14. The consequences of TDVP:
TDVP dramatically demonstrates a paradigm shift, approached from the scientific side, justified further in many areas by mathematics, and only then, as a consequence, derives a new mystical philosophy of "Unified Monism". Science and mathematics have been traditionally separated from mysticism, philosophy, spirituality and theology: TDVP allows for a marked bridge to occur across these disciplines.

15. Distinctions and Dimensions:
• Distinctions: When we experience something, we distinguish what it is from what it is not, and there is a separation between. We make these fundamental distinctions and there is a complex mathematics behind these distinctions called the calculus of distinctions. In TDVP, three different distinctions are particularly important:
• Distinctions and variables: Three kinds of variable distinctions exist: Extent, content and impact.

a. "Variables of extent" are measurable in finite units. Extent involves measures of space, time and extent of consciousness and it is these variables of extent that are the only variables that we call dimensions.

b. "Variables of content" contain data and describe volumetric objects and their components such as subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, stones or physical bodies, and ultimately more complex structures such as furniture and all its contents. The basic units of "content" are the units of essential substance of reality, manifesting as mass, energy and "content of consciousness". The intensity of content is measured by "content density" (effectively specific content data/extent). The variables of secondary parameters, such as force, velocity and angular momentum, are measured in compound units of variables of extent and content.

c. "Variables of impact" impact and influence the content and extent variables through many factors. This influence theoretically could range from regular verbal or nonverbal communication, to conscious actions, to psi, to psychological impacts, to brain function and to proposed highest levels of mystical guidance (higher infinite consciousness). Impact could also have space and time involvements with impacts involving the physical effects of events or objects. We can slightly or markedly influence others or events or objects. We can measure influence by "Influence density". This is effectively Influence degree/extent.

16. Relative, top-down, bottoms-up:
The finite-infinite reality is always relative. It is relative to any subjective realities experienced by any level of individual-units. At the broadest level, it can be conceptualized from the "top-down", in terms of transfinite or higher dimensions influencing dimensions below. Alternatively, most scientific methods apply data only from the "bottoms-up" and such analyses makes higher dimensional analyses much more difficult. The "bottoms-up" approach begins at the information and meaning we have in the few pieces of what could be understood as a 3S-1t-1C jigsaw puzzle and we dimensionally extrapolate upwards.
• The bottoms-up approach is much more limiting and difficult to think outside of the box than the top-down approach, which also pervades the infinite subreality. We then try to conceptualize or distinguish the higher S, T, or C dimensions.
• The bottoms-up approach and top-down approaches are critical in TDVP in the mathematics of what we're calling Dimensionometry, Dimensional Extrapolation and Indivension.
• TDVP involves higher level dimensional communication mechanisms: "Vortical indivension" is a metalevel higher than field theories (such as subquantum, Akashic, morphogenetic, Transcendental Field). Therefore, these may support TDVP, but not negate it.

17. Consciousness:
• "Consciousness" is conceptually and significantly contained within Space and Time at lower dimensional levels. For example, in 3S-1t, our "consciousness" is mainly limited to the brain. However, under certain circumstances, it could be a little outside 3S-1t, like in mystical experiences, creative thought, or dreams.
• In contrast, Space and Time could be conceptualized as completely contained within "consciousness" (the C-substrate) at higher levels. This has to be so, for the mathematics to work. Space dimensions involve real numbers, Time dimensions involve imaginary numbers, Consciousness finite dimensions involve complex numbers (which combine the real and the imaginary) and the Transfinite in TDVP (also called the 10th plus dimensions) involves hypercomplex numbers. Therefore, S and T theoretically must at that higher level be contained in C substrates. We cannot find an instance where higher dimensions of S and T could be separated from C completely making parts outside S and T at that higher dimensional level. Effectively, it would be like the Finite being contained totally within the Infinite.
• Consciousness manifests differently at different levels: However, it likely applies the same "Consciousness", just different conceptual faces that are context dependent: Meaning exists at the quantal (qualit) level, and also psychologically and neurologically in the living being applying cognition, affect and volition, and as acquired meaningful information at the higher transfinite and infinite levels. Effectively, this is the same meaningful "consciousness" that utilizes different qualities of the same meaning at different levels.

18. Ultimate Simultaneity (Temporal Unity):
The continuous, infinite reality reflects all of time and space in totality simultaneously. Therefore, on a finite level, the infinite appears "relatively nonlocal".

19. The Infinite Subreality: Time, Space and Consciousness exists as a reality essence (a metareality) involving a pervasive consciousness (information expressed through meaning as metaconsciousness) and order (ordropy).
• Ordropy: The source of multidimensional order ("Ordropy") derives from the infinite. At the physical finite level with this ordropic reality (ordered multidimensional reality) is an admixture with disorder (entropy). Entropy is linear with one direction tending toward disorder so it is not the opposite of Ordropy, just one of the components.
• Life: Life always exists in the Infinite subreality. It exists from the source of multidimensional order ("Ordropy") within the infinite. But Life reflects very significant order at many levels (ordropy). An infinite potential for life manifests in the finite subreality as physical life provided adequate biology could support that physical life. When that physiological support is no longer possible, physical life terminates as physical death, but that infinite potential life still exists. We call that "po-life" (potential physical life). The life "essence" always exists in its infinite origins of always existing (hence, a secondary hypothesis in TDVP is survival after death).
• We still experience such an infinite subreality by its mirroring in the finite and transfinite.

20. The Finite Subreality:
• Self-transcendence: Although mathematics and science are neutral, their links in TDVP allow for mystical and spiritual development, introducing many potentials for transcendence of self in our experience which is necessarily only of the finite subreality: We can never experience the infinite directly.
• Communications between dimensions: The tethered elements involve a communication process across, between and within dimensions. This is called indivension (individual units interacting with dimensions). Indivension reflects the process by which a fundamental level content namely, vortices can produce sources of information, time or space. These manifest at interfaces to allow meaningful communications across dimensions.
• Vortices: Vortices allow for communication across dimensions. Vortices reflect any 3 dimensional moving, fluctuating, curved or rotational content within, across and between dimensions: In part, because of the asymmetry of multi-dimensional content variables in response to linear or rotational forces, vortices are ubiquitous in our 3S-1t domain. The interfaces across vortices can be facilitated by vector, scalar or tensor elements. The process is "vortical indivension".
• Interfaces: Each individual-unit interfaces with zillions of other vortical individual-units producing a complex web, and a finite origin of all information. There are different levels of development and this can fluctuate even in individuals or individual-units. (These fluctuations occur within a context--three-dimensional moving rounded shapes called vortices. The indivension is the mechanism).
• Relative non-locality: In finite terms, infinity is conceptualized as relatively nonlocal (beyond space and time) but in infinite terms it involves a metareality of all existing STC ("metatime", "metaspace", "meta-information" and "metaconsciousness") with potential life and ordered subreality.
• Origin Event: The beginning in finite subreality is the Origin Event (the beginning of existence, e. g., around the so-called Big Bang or other singularity or other alleged event). Tethering occurs from there. Consciousness is the initial event in the finite, because we must draw distinctions to explain the origins of anything else. In the infinite subreality, there is no beginning or end.

Now the easy one-sentence axiom
We now follow this with our single primary TDVP axiom, plus a historic Minkowski footer.24 All of space-time-"consciousness" have always been inseparably tethered together--ostensibly tightly, loosely or slightly.

We propose that all three--Space Time and "Consciousness" (STC) --necessarily form a triad in everything, from the tiniest subatomic components to the astrophysical, from the inanimate to the sentient, from the finite to the infinite. STC reality begins at the finite origin of events; yet it has no start or end in an existing infinite where "origin" is a contradiction.

The powerful empirical physical Minkowski space-time approach initiated a century ago has now been extended. Not only is space and time inseparable, "one", but space, time and consciousness is one and inseparable. Moreover, not only is this TDVP triad applicable to Physics, it represents data across all the sciences, and mathematically demonstrates why this STC triad cogently works and is better than any other previous model. From this fundamental triadic tethering axiom books can be written--and Reality Begins with Consciousness represents the first of this.

We may be wrong, but we argue that TDVP is more soundly motivated than any other because it fits all disciplines of science, is supported mathematically, resulting in a philosophical basis. We could expect consonance with ancient mystical elements if TDVP reflected fundamental truths--and Kabbalah has endured a millennia.

Now let's move on to some other principles that again are amplified through the book but will assist in obtaining a priority perspective. Again, please understand these are simply to allow the broad picture. We do not yet present the detailed proofs, empirical data or suggest hypotheses at this point, and this will be addressed in this and our later books.

TDVP provides an extended explanatory model for all the sciences (physical, life, consciousness and social) from the finite subatomic to the conventional macroreality to the astronomic realities applying quanta, or (more correctly) "qualits" (which include consciousness elements even in the inanimate, plus all the quantum subatomic elements (and speculatively even subquantal infinitesimals or in dark matter), as basic finite discrete reality units with the pervasive continuum of the infinite. No other Theory of Everything apparently applies more than three of consciousness, dimensions, infinity or tethering necessary building blocks.

TDVP generates over 600 new ideas, some speculative, that logically follow from its fundamental axiom. These are covered in this book, Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works, 16 and particularly so in the (to be published) associated companion book involving more speculations and models, Space, Time and Consciousness: The Tethered Triad. 10 The concepts here are complex, but the object here is to obtain an overview. The elephant's trunk is part of itself, no longer hidden; and the space, time and consciousness it manifests are tethered together inseparably as part of himself; and yet the elephant uses his trunk to make choices; and also to interact with other elephants and their trunks.

Do not be concerned if these ideas at this point are not easily comprehensible to you. The concepts will be explained gradually: This is why the book does not end here!

Paradigms, Metaparadigms and Theories of Everything in TDVP
We describe TDVP as a "metaparadigm" because of its overriding higher-level basis as it can be applied to all the different major areas of scientific endeavor. But TDVP is not intended to solve all current unexplained mysteries in physics or any other endeavor relating to content. Yet, we have not found any reality principles that could not be expressed within this paradigm shift.

There are, thus far, of course, millions of, insoluble questions and unknowns in the world, but we're attempting broad models that are not being refuted, not to provide omniscience! TDVP is the practical, so-called "Theory of Everything" (TOE) better called a "metaparadigm". "TOEs" and "paradigms" should not explain "content" like bizarre neutrino behaviors, every detailed change in evolution, the exact DNA sequence, or specific chemistry: Whereas these are all legitimate areas to clarify, they reflect content questions, not paradigms: Paradigms are not just theoretical, they are practical. However, they predominantly examine process not content, broader pictures and principles, not specifics. But by virtue of the process, they could assist with appreciation of the content and the specifics--that would be the secondary application. However, sometimes we're able to explain content, utilizing the logic of a paradigm with a mathematical derivation: In Chapter 9, we demonstrate briefly how we can derive the Cabibbo mixing angle. However, the detail is in our later books and also in our publications.

And so, ironically, in TDVP, we initiate a very broad scientifically empirical, inferential model based on specific testable or hypothetical content data, but that is directed towards the process of testing the model. The "process" reflects the "procedure" for evaluating data. As an example, we may be able to understand that in an asymmetric multidimensional, moving, curved (vortical) reality, the process of "spin" occurs. Consequently, we can understand from that, that fermions may have a specific "mixing" spin structure. However, we initially thought we might not be able to predict the exact Cabibbo angle, because such a calculation would require examining more than just the process of TDVP. Measuring this exact angle would imply deriving "content" not "principles and it was a low probability calculation. Despite empirical evidence, the reason for this angle remained mysterious: It had simply never been explained. Yet with nine dimensional top-down models we have ostensibly solved this specific content issue and it fitted directly into our previously hypothesized finite 9-D vortical TDVP model.

And so vehemently, we demonstrate to the Nay-Sayers: The 9 dimensional spin model is mathematically feasible and all other dimensional models are falsified, and we've demonstrated that spin/ vortices are necessary. Because finite 9-D spin alone is exactly what we propose in our finite 9-D vortical TDVP model, we can legitimately argue that that portion of the TDVP model is proven. There are other components to TDVP, including creative ideas and speculation based on data relating to the transfinite and the infinite, but this is a key mathematical finding.

Existing current solid empirical data can frequently be incorporated into the TDVP model by applying the principles of the "philosophy of science"; and even esoteric abstractions of process still have content applications. Additionally, if possible, deductive mathematics and logic provide demonstrable support for TDVP. And so we present next, a second chapter with more detail, again to provide a further priority perspective. This time, it's 72 more points of pertinence that follow in Chapter 2. After that, we begin the exciting illumination of TDVP.

Additional Excerpts

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