Reality Begins with Consciousness |
Cry the Beloved Mind |
Déjà Vu Trilogy
For more on the following click here: RELATED SITES: www.pni.org | www.vernonneppe.org | www.tddvp.com | www.ecao.us | www.healthyharmony.com About the author, Dr Vernon NeppeVernon M Neppe Professor Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, BN&NP, DFAPA, MMed, DPM, FRCPC, FFPsych, FCPsych, has achieved international recognition in numerous different areas: In Medicine, he has achieved a pre-eminence as a medical specialist in the disciplines of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology, Psychopharmacology, Forensic Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry, General Psychiatry and Epileptology. He is also known worldwide for his contributions to Parapsychology and Anomalistic Psychology; and he has significant expertise as an Author of several books, and as a Playwright (his play Quakes). He is a remarkably in-demand as a Professional Speaker. Dr Neppe is also a Philosopher and despite all his achievements, Dr Neppe regards his theory of Vortex Pluralism�a radical relook at the nature of our very existence involving N-dimensional pluralistic view of the universe linked with the fundamental role of vortical motion�as his major contribution. He is also a Bariatric Physician�an expert in weight loss. He is currently writing a book in this area. Dr. Neppe practices medicine as Director of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle. He is an Attending Physician at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA, and at Northwest Hospital in Seattle, WA, USA, where he and his wife and two children live. His major current academic university affiliation reflects the unusual special honor of being an (adjunct full) Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at St Louis University, St Louis, MO (1700 miles away). Dr. Neppe trained in his native South Africa, and also at Cornell Medical Center in New York. In 1986, Professor Neppe founded and became Director of the first Division of Neuropsychiatry in a Department of Psychiatry in the United States (at the University of Washington in Seattle). During his prestigious career, he has received numerous board certifications, specialist qualifications and professional awards in the United States, Canada and South Africa, and he is a fellow or member of nineteen professional USA and International associations (including Psychiatric, Medical, Neuropsychiatric, Epilepsy, Psychogeriatric, Psychopharmacology and Parapsychological Associations and Societies). Professor Neppe has published far more than three hundred publications round the world, in every habitable continent, has received research awards, and acted as a consultant for the DSM III R, DSM IV and DSM IV R, the official psychiatric nomenclature manual. He has also lectured extensively, chaired scientific international conferences on four continents, made hundreds of scientific presentations in eleven countries, and lectured at affiliates of about 90% of the medical schools in the United States and Canada. He also is in-demand as a speaker on the brain and medicines, and he has a special skill in communicating with different audiences. He has communicated on radio and television around the world. He is now author of seven books, has served as founding editor of a journal, as guest editor of another, and on the editorial boards of numerous others. His research contributions may have impacted on millions of lives pioneering as he did the area of anticonvulsant drugs in psychiatry: He performed the only double blind study demonstrating the value of carbamazepine in dyscontrol and psychosis. Additionally, his finding high dose buspirone as a successful treatment for tardive dyskinesia is very exciting. These are discussed in his first book for the layperson, Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope. (see https://brainvoyage.com/ctbm/). This remarkable classic written for the general public, patients and family members, as well as colleagues in the medical, pharmaceutical, psychological and legal professions, is a major contribution and a classic, defining and portraying the new literary genre of "sciction" (see a href="https://brainvoyage.com/sciction/index.php">https://brainvoyage.com/sciction/index.php). Dr Neppe subsequently extended �sciction� to the area of theatre in his play, Quakes. When combined with his classic ideas on brain medications Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy, written for colleagues, Cry the Beloved Mind provides a new perspective on understanding the dichotomy of pathological electrical firing versus chemical abnormalities. Dr Neppe recently produced an electronic monograph How Attorneys Can Best Utilize Their Medical Expert Consultant: A Medical Expert's Perspective at www.brainvoyage.com/attorneyadvice.php. Legal experts and medical consultants have acclaimed this book for its common sense. But it is in the domain of the déjà vu phenomenon that Dr. Neppe is recognized as the undisputed world authority on. In 1983, he wrote the first book on the subject, The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before? This was the only major academic text on the subject until 2005. In 2006 he undertook the monumental rewrite of this book under the title, Déjà Vu Revisited, and amplified it in its updated companion volume, Déjà Vu: A Second Look. https://brainvoyage.com/deja. Both volumes represent major labors to be added to Dr Neppe�s oeuvre. Ironically, The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before? has become a rare collector�s item (much like the �Penny Black� stamp, which achieved its fame by a misprint). It was published in one edition only with a limited run. The publisher, Witwatersrand University Press in Johannesburg, did not communicate sufficiently with the printer, CTP Book Printers in Cape Town, for the back cover page to contain the information it should have�and so, other than the ISBN number, it is blank. Moreover, the spine contains only the emblem of the publisher�WUP. These errors, particularly the spine, combined with the fact that it was the first and until very recently the only book on the subject of déjà vu and was written by the recognized world expert on the subject, has made this book into a rare and expensive collector�s edition. Moreover, the brilliant depiction of the essence of déjà vu in the front cover by the exceptional photographic artist, Warren Liebmann, now of Toronto, Canada, adds to this remarkable anomaly (www.silverreflection.com). A few autographed copies of the first edition originals are currently available at www.brainvoyage.com/collector/deja/ Dr. Neppe�s work on déjà vu reflects the other side of his remarkable career: His contributions are profound to phenomenology, including parapsychology and anomalistic psychology, and to the development of clinical instruments. His special contribution is his emphasis on the need for detailed subjective approaches and clinical objective quantification, if possible. Dr. Neppe founded the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute (PNI) in Seattle, WA, in late 1992. The PNI aims at serving as an international model in the discipline of neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology, with clinical, academic, research, forensic and educational emphases. Prior to that, he had trained and worked at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (medical degree, internship, specialist post-graduate training and as a consultant attending then senior consultant) and this is where he wrote the bulk of the book Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before? He was also honored as the Witwatersrand University Overseas Traveling Fellow for 1982-1983, and worked at Cornell University Medical College, New York, where he consolidated his experience in neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology focusing on psychopharmacology, chronobiology and sleep-wake disorders, epileptology, geriatric and neuropsychological research. Among his special honors have been book listings in Marquis Who's Who in the World, Americas Top Doctors, Americas Top Psychiatrists, The Best Doctors in America, Men of Achievement, Five Thousand Personalities of the World, Two Thousand Notable American Men, and Five Hundred Leaders of Influence. Dr. Neppe was an International Man of the Year �in recognition of his services to Neuropsychiatry, Psychopharmacology and Anomalistic Psychology.� His latest awards are his international recognition as apparently the first physician living in the United States elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society of South Africa (Foreign Fellow), American recognition in becoming a first a Fellow and then a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and internationally as the first leader of the United States and International delegation in Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology to China during 2006 through the People to People Ambassador Program. Professor Neppe's major research areas include pharmacological, neuropsychiatric and phenomenological elements: He developed several measuring neuropsychiatric instruments and inventories including the BROCAS SCAN (Screening Cerebral Assessment of Neppe), The INSET (Inventory of Neppe of Symptoms of Epilepsy and the Temporal Lobe), the STRAW (the first time / severity measure for tardive dyskinesia), a geriatric inpatient instrument namely the PBRS (with JP Loebel) (The Problem Behaviors Rating Scale), as well as research Subjective Paranormal Questionnaires and Narcolepsy Questionnaires. Besides his other medication contributions, he extended the use of azapirones in aggression and attention deficit disorder allowing further options in that area. He has also developed numerous wide-ranging concepts in medical areas such as deinduction, non-vertiginous dizziness, dysproccia, chindling, possible temporal lobe symptoms, and the longest word in English, ethicobiopsychofamiliosocioculturality. (He also proposes a comprehensible but far less productive and much lengthier term: Anti-ethicospirituomysticobiopsychofamiliosociopoliticomilitaroeconomicoculturality.) Finally, Dr Neppe�s achievements are not only limited to science but he is a humanitarian; For example, while in his native South Africa he organized the first multi-racial sports match (if chess is regarded as a sport�he was a chess champion and captained the University of the Witwatersrand Chess team, the strongest ever club team in South Africa.). He also devoted his last two years in South Africa to dealing exclusively with the underprivileged populations. For more on Dr. Neppe�s clinical biography: https://www.pni.org/clinical/neppe/ Books by Dr Vernon Neppe: The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before? Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, South Africa. 1983. Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy. Raven Press, New York, 1989. Revised first edition: 1990. See https://brainvoyage.com/ip Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope. Brainvoyage.com (DBA name for Brainquest Press) in conjunction with Peanut Butter Publishing. 1999. See https://brainvoyage.com/ctbm. This book is also available as an electronic version at https://brainvoyage.com/order How Attorneys Can Best Utilize Their Medical Expert Consultant: A Medical Expert's Perspective. https://brainvoyage.com/attorneyadvice.php Brainvoyage.com (DBA name for Brainquest Press. 2006). (E-Book) Déjà Vu Revisited Brainvoyage.com (DBA name for Brainquest Press. 2006). (E-Book) https://brainvoyage.com/deja/ Déjà Vu: A Second Look Brainvoyage.com (DBA name for Brainquest Press. 2006). (E-Book) https://brainvoyage.com/deja/ Déjà Vu Glossary and Library Brainvoyage.com (DBA name for Brainquest Press. 2006). (E-Book) https://brainvoyage.com/deja/ Home | Cry the Beloved Mind | Reality Begins with Consciousness | Déjà Vu | Order Books | PNI.org | Contact BrainVoyage |
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