Reality Begins with Consciousness |
Cry the Beloved Mind |
Déjà Vu Trilogy
For more on the following click here: RELATED SITES: www.pni.org | www.vernonneppe.org | www.tddvp.com | www.ecao.us | www.healthyharmony.com Excerpts from the BookChapters: The following are small sections from Chapters 2, 8 and 11. In reality, chapters obviously are linked with the previous ones but have been written so that they also stand alone. The chapters below obviously do not have the sophisticated font and other formatting that is in the electronic and book versions. The purpose is to give you a flavor of how wonderful this book is: It educates by fascination; and it is aimed at you: the general reader, the patient, the family member, colleagues and students in the psychological, medical and pharmacy disciplines. You are dealing with a classic. This is the first book in the style of "sciction". ENJOY! Home | Cry the Beloved Mind | Reality Begins with Consciousness | Déjà Vu | Order Books | PNI.org | Contact BrainVoyage |
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