Reality Begins with Consciousness |
Cry the Beloved Mind |
Déjà Vu Trilogy
For more on the following click here: RELATED SITES: www.pni.org | www.vernonneppe.org | www.tddvp.com | www.ecao.us | www.healthyharmony.com Later edition changes in Reality Begins With Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift That Works.A priority system: A special note for those visiting Brainvoyage.comFirst, if you want to understand which versions to order, and many other related questions, please scroll down to the bottom of this section and read the READ ME section. Otherwise, this section discusses how the authors have progressed through five editions (as of April 2014). We think that many readers will be very pleased with this latest edition of Reality Begins with Consciousness.Essentially, the nature of reality is very complex and so are some of the ideas in Reality Begins with Consciousness: One of the purposes at least has been to assist with areas of difficulty; and a second purpose has been advancement of the ideas of Dr Vernon Neppe and Dr Edward Close in regard to what some are regarding as the most remarkable paradigm and new shifts in thinking in the 21st century. Whether or not this promise will be justified remains to be seen. As for the complexity, with the supplemental E-book, RBC: Glimpses and Glossary, the complexity is solved somewhat: The "Glimpses" provide a pictorial way of understanding complex models. It has eased understanding the complex material considerably because the reader can now visualize a simplified version. Because of this, this supplemental book Glimpses and Glossary comes as a free addition with RBC 5th edition (RBC5) as a PDF and also with RBC Key Features (as a PDF, E-PUB and MOBI). RBC Key Features 2nd Edition is effectively a summary book of RBC 5 but actually its first chapter is a more comprehensive summary than that of RBC 5 first chapter. In our menu, a few "Glimpses" appear under Glimpses and Glossary and linked at https://brainvoyage.com/RBC/glossary.php. Glimpses have allowed simplistic but useful pictorial perspectives, and the Glossary defines terms carefully. These major advances facilitate the non-expert's understanding of Reality Begins with Consciousness but we also recommend that they carefully go through Chapter 1 of the book at least twice. The first time one should read purely the italicized parts allowing a brief priority method. The second time, please read the whole chapter. Please realize that the Chapter deliberately has very few references aiming to broadly educate and fascinate. The same can be said for Chapter 1 or RBC: Key Features. This actually is an amplification of RBC 5th edition Chapter 1. Our most exciting finding, one that truly revolutionizes thinking is Chapter 9 beginning in the Fourth Edition. This is complex but the fundamental message is that our Standard Model of Physics cannot explain certain fundamental findings. However, a finite nine dimensional spin reality can and only nine dimensions, not eight or ten. One can prove this mathematically. This had been hypothesized by our TDVP model in Reality Begins with Consciousness. This is such an enormous finding that it totally changes our perspective of reality. This finding has been described for the first time in the fourth edition of this book. In our menu on this site, a small extract of the pictorial "Glimpses" is under listed under the menu "Excerpts plus Overview" at https://brainvoyage.com/RBC/excerpts.php. We now list chronologically all the changes in these books over the several editions beginning with the last. The fourth edition revision or the fifth edition? The Fifth Edition.We had to consider whether to make all our additions an official Fifth Edition or a Revised Fourth Edition. We had originally settled on calling it "Version 4.8" and therefore simply a "Revised Fourth Edition". But the changes were so important and considerable that we decided to produce a 5th edition with new PDF, MOBI and E-PUB Editions: This book is provided as a service because it is so enormously important. But it has been at considerable expense to all concerned. The authors have not earned a penny for this despite their thousands of hours of work. But it continued to grow and to blossom. After we extended Table 2c on altered states of consciousness, we decided that it should be the Fifth Edition. This is so as this 5th edition clearly has some profound advances and these changes might not have been noted as much if it were just another 4th Edition revision. We have done this because we know that this book and those that follow are far bigger than ourselves. These ideas need to be written; and they need to be amplified, as required, when new questions come about. We are encouraged that the basic tenets have remained unchanged, and that the more we probe, the more we find feasible, unfalsified extra elements and can apply falsifiable hypotheses that are then proven or have been demonstrated. The future can provide this discipline of Dimensional Biopsychophysics with hundreds of future PhD level studies. Is this a new (Fifth) Edition or a Fourth Edition Revised? We have in the past used the principle that if the pagination changes then we would make it another edition, but in this instance it is the content that has been considerably amplified and the concepts clarified and accentuated. However, by changing spacing, we've been able to maintain the actual main book pagination, though these preliminary appendix pages are three pages longer. Nevertheless, the changes over the past months have been very profound and a challenge to adequately cover them with these brief additions. To clarify for those who had a copy of the Fourth Edition, these are the changes, some already outlined in revision to "An Exciting Note to the Fourth Edition: A Voyage into the Unknown". We have introduced and emphasized several important new terms. These include: • Metafinite as a global term for all of the discrete lower 9 dimensions plus the transfinite. • C- as a global term for "consciousness". Before that C-substrate was the global term. We emphasized critical principles that needed amplification: • We amplified the relevance of existential reality in the Calculus of Distinctions in our redefinition of C-. C-substrate, C-matrix and C-interface describe distinctions of extent, content and impact respectively. • We redefined the term "Consciousness" so that it clarified more exactly our interpretation. • Paradigmatic consciousness was amplified including not only the four levels (qualit/ quantal; neurological; psychological; higher) but also linked with the various sciences. • We emphasized how the metafinite is embedded in the infinite. • And we showed how each dimension is sequentially embedded in the next: Consequently Space is potentially contained within Time and Time within Consciousness. • Very importantly, we clarified why the title "Reality Begins with Consciousness" was apposite. It has a mystical meaning at the highest consciousness level (transfinite and infinity of infinities) where Space and Time are entirely embedded in Consciousness. • We clarified why the TDVP model is a metalevel above all other field theories (they, generally, do not have dimensions, infinity or consciousness.) • And we clarified the critique that the 39 criteria were self-selected showing in whatever way the analysis was applied, TDVP scored far higher than any other not only qualitatively, but quantitatively--and the analysis still results in a perfect score. • We emphasized how Time is likely 3 dimensions, and has a volumetric component as does Consciousness Substrates in the 9 dimensional model. • We introduced a mnemonic to assist in recalling the key features of TDVP namely "DICTU" standing for dimensions and distinctions; infinity; consciousness; tethered triad; and unification. This allowed an easy way to remember the primary ideas of our "TDVP" metaparadigm. We than added to it and it became "DICTUMS". We added the Mathematicologic and the Subjective-Objective (Relative to, framework of) continuum. We liked the term DICTUMS but it was contrived and conforming to the "laws of nature" was missing yet so fundamental. So we changed it again and we added an "N" but at the expense of the still key "mathematicologic" but that could as importantly be "Science and Mathematicologic". So the acronym then became "INDUCTS" or technically "INDdUCTSs". • We redefined and amplified other terms in our Glossary such as "Reality" and "Transfinite". • We re-examined biographical details. • Finally, we tried to re-introduce priorities. After all, in 500 pages on a multidisciplinary course that could be a Bachelor's degree or beyond, we are still limited in our explanations. Nevertheless, the amount of comprehensible mathematics, philosophy and the sheer extent of new ideas in RBC is still very considerable, possibly far more than any competing book describing a theory of everything. This book is not about promises but action. The further books may amplify but this is the fundamental book on TDVP. One way to prioritize is to revise and re-emphasize principles. Chapter 1 has been amplified and now has 26 key points, some numbered. Chapter 2 has also had some revisions and as a consequence these new ideas have been shared in the appropriate sections in the book. We also have emphasized the potential of the TDVP model to solve what has not been solved before by applying, inter alia, ideas through a nine dimensional spin model. This creates a new ball-game and far more resources for thought experiments, as well as empirical research pertaining to areas of mystery, both at the particle physics level and also potentially cosmologically. In retrospect, this has become the Fifth Edition. We certainly now think our book is more complete than before. However, we always think the fundamental changes we've made between Editions and Revisions are final, but they do not turn out that way. This is because of You, the Reader, who ask testing questions, make points that are pertinent and illustrate certain concepts that need amplification, and point out limitations of what we are only portraying. Please rest assured that each and every comment we've received has been carefully considered. Our readers are our partners who make our ideas better and are beginning to independently amplify our ideas. So thank you! Vernon M Neppe and Edward R Close, March 2014. An Exciting Note To The Fourth Edition: A Voyage Into The Unknown.Our TDVP model is continually growing, a good reason to keep it electronic in format: We had anticipated our Third Edition enduring, but that was not so. Within two weeks of the Third Edition coming out, Drs Neppe and Close had the opportunity to run a full-day workshop on their paradigm and deliver key plenary presentations at an international Science and Spirituality conference in Mexico. We revised the book with what was initially intended to be a moderate update, the Revised 3rd Edition. But this generated so many new ideas, particularly in response to questions over a two month period that the 4th edition was born. Then it culminated in a major series of changes with two new chapters (8 and 9) and some groundbreaking findings (Cabibbo; 9D-spin; electron spin), and an assist with demonstration of reversibility of Dimensional Extrapolation [DE] and Reverse DE). So ultimately with twenty-four significant changes, the book instead became the Fourth Edition.Several times we thought we were ready to publish: But each time, we discovered more relevance to applying our TDVP model. Our new results generated new ideas, important tests of the postulates we had made and validation of the feasibility of these hypotheses. We realized that we had to properly handle what may turn out to be profound landmarks in the history of theoretical physics, mathematical physics, science and reality. Good dilemmas followed: How do we handle rapid review and publication in journal articles, press releases, and before that the critically important peer-reviews? We were in unchartered territory in areas that even many specialist quantum physicists were unfamiliar with. (Who is an expert on both the Cabibbo angle and on multidimensionality?) This factor, combined with the new mathematics of dimensional extrapolation created a unique new landscape even for peer review. Already, these findings have been examined by tens of "part experts". Our most important finding was demonstrating the mathematico-physical feasibility of our nine-dimension finite rotational spin model: From there, it appeared that we were for the first time ever, able to very closely derive the reason why the Cabibbo angle was what it was. This is extremely encouraging because it suggested that our finite reality involves 9 dimensions and spin vortices. This provided justification of the major element in the finite part of our TDVP model. The Cabibbo demonstration was a very major part of the jigsaw puzzle as reflected in our restricted 3S-1t reality experience. But also in Chapter 9, we briefly discuss the same asymmetries from 9 dimensions top-down or from our regular bottoms-up experience, again implying the unification of reality. This finding taken together with Cabibbo, consolidates the mathematics and physics of a nine-dimensional vortical finite discrete reality (and only nine dimensions work!). There is more to this too, because TDVP also recognizes the transfinite and the infinite. For example, we briefly mention an aside: why electrons appear to disappear and this appears linked with vortical rotation of the electron cloud. We continued to have further changes during extra sub-editions (e.g., Version 4.7), adding footer postulates, and numerous new textual edits, definitions, clarifications and additions to the main body. And we further continued changes thereafter: the three Consciousness distinctions of C-, plus the discrete "metafinite" and also a marked rewrite and addition of prioritization elements to more easily understand our model in Chapter 1 and update of Chapter 2. This allows a greater appreciation of TDVP. • We also clarified difficult areas in Chapter 8 and 9 (a single Chapter 10 that moved from of previous editions) and then created a new Chapter 11, including three pertinent additions on Physical Reduction Valves, Time and Consciousness, • We introduced the global term "metafinite" (finite + transfinite). The discrete, quantized metafinite mirrors the infinite, and is embedded in the infinite continuity. •We also added other new definitions clarifying the critical definitions of Consciousness separating all existential distinctions into three separating a generic "C-" into the three divisions of C-substrate (extent, with Space and Time), C-matrix (content, with Mass and Energy) and C-interface (impact and influence as contrasted with mass/energy forces). •We added "meta" into our glossary, so that the "higher order" element in our various terms can be understood. We also clarified the Systems Approach and complex terms. •We clarified the implications of the 39 comparative criteria, and explained why even without applying any of the unique elements of TDVP, it still is remarkably better than any other so-called "Theory of Everything" (Chapter 42). •We emphasized Dr Ervin Laszlo's model more plus updated Chapter 42 and 43, also amplifying some the Klein subquantum model from 2012, clarifying differences from TDVP in Bohm's ideas, updated some remarkable findings on producing "vortical knots" and added "Higher Consciousness" in Table 2a. •We then discussed for the first time ever a new philosophical model of Transcendental Materialism, based on an old model, and amplified Neutral Monism and Panentheism. •Linked with this with a new critically important addition: We created a separate experimental pictorial supplemental book on "Glimpses", combining it with our "Glossary" (though we also kept the Glossary in the book itself) "Glossary and Glimpses". This makes RBC more readable for many more people. It also creates a versatility so that some readers allowing referring to both RBC and Glimpses simultaneously. We descriptively communicate some key elements of the TDVP model, particularly clarifying the uniqueness of our new philosophical model "Unified Monism". This might be a first for a book, making it the book a Collector's Item. This has also been copyrighted like our signature page idea. We added the 17th century mathematician, Pierre de Fermat, to our Dedication list as the famous Fermat's last theorem is key to our mathematics. In like manner, we added further to the history of the calculus of distinctions. These updates reflect one reason why this book is electronic. Novel knowledge inspires new creations. And the increased communication has further suggested areas of clarification for the reader. But again, we've ensured that readers of previous versions can seamlessly transition into our new Fourth Edition. VMN and EJC, February through April 2013 and then PDF revised too in January 2014. A Note To The Third Edition ( January 2013.)In rapid succession, we've produced three revisions of this important book. The 2nd Edition (March 2012), the Revised 2nd Edition (September 2012) and, out of necessity, this 3rd Edition (January 2013). We thus ensure our information and ideas are current and growing. We recognize our job will never be complete, and we hope others will continue this tradition as there are those who are already predicting that the concepts and applications behind this book will survive centuries. We hope, too, that our two proposed books that follow, Space, Time and Consciousness10 and Beyond Einstein 11 might be used as reference works, pioneering extensive new thinking. We also hope to stimulate significant research in this area, by applying our new philosophy of science feasibility principle of LFAF and by furthering mathematical proofs.These books should stimulate thought, but should also assist possibly in spiritual development: Readers can apply the principles to assisting one's own growth, actualization and transcendence. (Update as of April 2013: We're also imminently producing a book "The Answer" for general readers. Moreover, Dr Neppe's is currently writing two self-help layperson books that apply his psychological and consciousness expertise and apply TDVP principles Our Search for Meaning and Our Purpose in Life). We've clarified and furthered our ideas in an entirely new chapter: Chapter 8 is on the mathematicologic behind the TDVP model. Whereas we hope to amplify this in the upcoming scientific books 10, we wanted to ensure our readers better understood some of these complex concepts. These include amplification of terms like Distinctions, Dimensions, Extrapolation, Variables and Vortical Frequency. We significantly amplify the concept of Variables of Impact (previously called Variables of Intent). By so doing, we provide what may be a useful cybernetic model (see Table 2a) including adding psi models as possible mechanisms. We also amplify Impact's links with Content and Intent, and amplify the measurement concept of Density. Similarly, we significantly revised the start of Chapter 4 to ensure that the "imagine" sections were coherent and prioritized. We clarified the complex Chapter 32 to show how the various concepts of "consciousness" could be linked. We also amplified other concepts: multidimensional time (towards the end of Chapter 27), further updated Variables of Distinction (towards the end of Chapter 18), clarified more easily the comparisons of the different Theories of Everything in Table 5b, and added a new Chapter (45) on Relative Non-locality and Infinity. Our Glossary of Key Terms now consists of eighty plus definitions, and the great majority are new. This valuable reference source can be printed to assist in studying this book. In all these revisions, we wanted to ensure that anyone who has read any previous edition can seamlessly go to this 3rd Edition. Our readers will not lose anything, just gain by referring to the new sections. As we have done with previous versions, we have ensured that every section of our book including our latest revisions has gone through peer review. 2As always, of course, typographical, grammatical, reference and linguistic improvements were also made. Perspective To The Second EditionThis second edition of Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works (RBC 2Ed) was fully anticipated. We realized we would have significant feedback from readers and also from colleagues such that we had predicted three editions to this book during the first year. With a 2012 publishing date, the 1st Edition became available in November 2011. By late December 2011, we had made relatively small but profound additions based on feedback and decided on a 2nd Edition. The initial motivation for RBC 2nd Ed was our need to particularly clarify two terms: 1. We realized that scientists do not have a consistent understanding of the term, "Theory of Everything" (TOE). We recognized the ambiguity and far prefer the terms "paradigm" and "metaparadigm". We have allocated a section in Chapter 1, Paradigms, Metaparadigms and Theories of Everything and TDVP. This way we ensure that our use of the "TOE" term is understood not as an all-embracing knowledge--not requiring omniscience, but instead reflecting a comprehensive process to understand reality--principles that can be applied to currently soluble and insoluble problems. 2. We discovered that even though Dr Close developed the term "extropy", and used it in two of his previous books8; 17, it appears to have been used differently by others. Consequently, we introduced the term "Ordropy" to avoid ambiguity. Therefore, "extropy" of the first edition is "ordropy" in the second. However, like a never-ending exploration, this book remains a work in progress. With these changes have come numerous very important and stimulating revisions. These have continued through to March 2012. Importantly, the metaparadigm on which the book is based has been unaffected, and the 1st edition text is largely unchanged though certain concepts are clarified and amplified. Most pertinently, we clarified the different levels of the unit that is broader "consciousness" into its components parts: • Neurological Consciousness (N-C) in the brain. • Psychological Consciousness (or "Ego-consciousness"). • Transfinite consciousness (T-C) in the finite and transfinite domains. • Metaconsciousness (M-C) in the boundless infinite domains. • Quantal Consciousness (Q-C). We also amplified slightly certain specific areas that we regarded as incomplete: • We differentiated the different levels of essence. • We demonstrated the consistency of the different dimensions of actualization, transfinite, the infinite, and the highest infinity of infinities. We then made some highly relevant additions to RBC 2Ed. • We clarified two new terms "Metalife" and "Metaorder" in the Infinite. • We introduced two brief but exciting new metaphors, namely, the concepts of Life Track in the Infinite, and of land-masses in a boundless infinite ocean. The concept of Life Track is particularly exciting as it allows understanding of how we interface with others and have a broader freedom of choice. We added in Chapter 45, a brief but critically important section on testing the hypotheses pertinent to the TDVP model. "TDVP is a model in evolution: We do not have answers for everything. We're not even close. There are key elements that may not be soluble at any point in the future. The vast limitations of proof in biology and psychological sciences will not change. They are based on inductive reason an order of magnitude less certain than the physical sciences, which already are embedded in controversy. Much more needs to be done, and even then we can never approach omniscience. The biological sciences and even more the psychological databases are simply too tenuous to draw many conclusions, even in areas that have been studied for decades. Inductive empirical proofs are simply at a different level from the physical sciences, and even physics relies on inductive empiricism. We can never achieve complete proof by even proving falsifiable scientific data, because the inductive elements limit proof and we ultimately rely on less certainty than interpretations. Moreover, in TDVP, certain models are even more esoteric and less subject to proof: How do we show that "life" always exists, as opposed to times when there is no life /no existence? We can make conceptual jumps and posit new secondary ideas such as infinity and this leads to tertiary hypotheses such as infinite life. And even despite enormous progress in applying TDVP to the mathematicological models, we have not yet, and likely will never prove each and every secondary and tertiary component of TDVP." We ensured that other pertinent comparisons with TDVP, including scoring, were made. • The recent Amit Goswami model, has become well known; and • A detailed special section on David Bohm's Implicate and Extricate Order. We also amplified, clarified, compared with TDVP and re-scored (as necessary): • The My Big TOE model of Tom Campbell. • Bernard Carr's Transcendental Field Theory and other Field Theories. Consequently, we updated the scoring of the Table (Table 5) comparing the 24 different "TOEs" (and this now includes the current physicalistic paradigm). • We, also, minimally clarified Tables 1 and 3 and added Table 2a. We've continued to recognize the enormous challenge of this ground-breaking book. Related follow-up books, already planned, written or being rewritten, or in press are: • Space, Time and Consciousness: The Tethered Triad: This is our companion book. It includes the mathematics, logic and physics and stimulates further ideas. It clarifies many complex areas alluded to in Reality Begins with Consciousness. • General Reader / Layperson books: We're writing several books to simplify these concepts. These are targeted specifically for the layperson. There are so many exciting aspects of our model that we wanted to ensure that the General Readers would be able to share our voyage. We hope to produce these General Reader books in the classical dialogic sciction style genre delineated and developed by one of the authors, Dr Vernon Neppe (originally in his book Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope2 and then in his play Quakes15). Sciction communication has proven useful applying the dialogic, conversational style to "education through fascination". 14, 16 Sciction engages the reader throughout, allowing complex concepts to be applied using simple dialog, as if speaking to different individuals with varying knowledge levels. Sciction sometimes requires an unusual paragraphing style "conversagraphs". 14, 16 Although in our current Reality Begins with Consciousness, sciction is not used, conversagraphs are applied, when convenient, to communicate information about areas that did not fully require new paragraphs, yet needed differentiation from the previous one. 16 Similarly, we have used different styles under certain circumstances--new lines, spaces, indents and different levels of header (as well as taking page demands into account!)--an example is this very paragraph (see how "Although" begins a new line). We reiterate some useful reading comments on approaching our book. * If you want to study principles, first begin with Chapters 1 and 2. But do not expect explanations in these sections. Please treat these chapters simply as summaries so you can obtain a perspective of some complex topics. * If you prefer the excitement of exploration, begin with Chapter 3 and use the first 2 Chapters as reference material. * In both instances, please refer to the Glossary Key at the end of the appendix (p. li). * Also the key glossary may facilitate what is necessarily a new or idiosyncratic language (page li-lii). A special appeal to all readers: At this time, this E-book, has been funded by the authors. Please do not pirate issues--records of legitimate purchases exist. Instead, please encourage others to purchase, read and study, just as they would a College Study course-- this E-book, with respect, involves several university courses of study. To facilitate this, for a minor added cost, we've introduced an alternative "Deluxe Second Edition" of this E-book. This is open source so you can make "sticky notes" in the PDF amplifications or corrections (with suitable Operating Systems and software--sorry, no guarantees can be made though). This Deluxe Version also still contains the original possibly unique, "collector's" autographed inscribed page (the Standard locked Second Edition does not.). If you're using purely the E-Pub version (as with your Kindle, Nook or I-Pad or other E-Reader) (and don't want the inscriptions) this may be unnecessary. Thank you for your attention and we hope you benefit from these updates. Please enjoy, learn, debate and contemplate! Vernon M Neppe and Edward R Close. Post-Script: 2nd Edition Addition To Dr Neppe's PrefaceAn important caution, however, needs to be emphasized: Clearly, there is a great deal more to be done. We have only a tiny knowledge base of what exists. Complex aspects of physics are disputed. How much more so are the biological, consciousness and psychological findings where our "proofs" are limited? In these scientific disciplines, we can only apply conclusions using, at best, tenuous inductive reasoning based on experimental data. This is often an order of magnitude below those same controversial but very complex "proofs" in physics.We can certainly argue that the data we cite is not contradicted because it has not been falsified. Furthermore, that the data appears to occur and be feasible in the collective experience of our society. But we recognize that feasibility has its own limitations. Our application of the TDVP model as a metaparadigm is ambitious and often based on the feasibility of fundamental aspects, yet it only provides principles and process for examination of the content, namely the data. And based on the comparative metrics of Table 5, it may provide this extremely effectively. However, that does not mean that this is truly how reality works: This book may at best provide a good start to explain our model which we perceive as feasible and to stimulate ideas, research and thinking for others. VMN (March 2012) A READ ME clarification27th March, 2014Prioritizing the different E-Books of Reality Begins With ConsciousnessThis is the same Read Me file for several related books:This "Read Me" file is contained in the download attachments for all three electronic books" 1. Reality Begins With Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift That Works (5th Edition)(RBC5) This is the major book clearly. 2.Reality Begins With Consciousness: Key Features 2nd Edition (RBC--KF2) This is a useful summary book. But there is not as much detail or justifications of each point. 3. Reality Begins With Consciousness: Glimpses and Glossary 2nd Edition (RBC--GG2) This is a very useful introduction. We recommend that you go through the pictures ("the Glossary" section) first. This is so pertinent that we supply at least the PDF of this E-Book as a complimentary version in both RBC5 and RBC--KF2. RBC5 has only the PDF but RBC--KF2 has the EPUBS and MOBIs of RBC--GG2. Therefore you have the opportunity to obtain 2 books for the price of one. There is little need to purchase RBC--GG2 for $9.99 because it is free with the other two editions. We want to make your reading as easy as possible and this is why there are options for reading namely PDF versions, E-Pubs and MOBIs. And to answer the question: No there are no hard copy printed versions of these books at this time. Because of costs, we do not anticipate that happening, unless there were some kind of grant assistance. There is no hard copy, printed book available at this point because if it were produced, it would cost much, much more. These books have been produced by the authors Dr Vernon Neppe and Dr Edward Close without any funding. So we have only the Electronic books. Please note that RBC5 is also currently significantly discounted even besides the complimentary copy of RBC--GG2. Imagine a scientific book of 500 plus pages and 50 chapters and nearly 500 references selling for under $30. It can only be done as an E-Book! These E-books are exclusively available only on Brainvoyage.com. They are not available at Amazon.com or BarnesAndNoble.com. These E-book cannot be legitimately obtained at this time from any other source and any distribution of purchased copies, like software, is, of course, illegal: The purchase is for one license of these books. And a final question: Is RBC5 still the Deluxe Version? Yes, it is. We found there was no demand for the Standard Version and have discontinued it. What was the difference? The Deluxe edition was more open format so that alterations to the PDF could be made (it was unlocked) and yes, it still contains that very important personalized version with an inscription by Drs Vernon Neppe and Edward Close. Why is that important? Simply, because as far as we know this was the first time this was ever done in an E-Book so that the file might become a Collector's edition (no guarantees). So this is why the RBC 1st Edition is still available? Exactly; and when purchased with RBC 5 it is very useful. Why are there new editions? Are these the final editions? • We have rapidly been updating these remarkable E-books so as to expand our ideas for you. • We anticipate these being the final editions of all these three electronic books (E-books) but then we must say that the authors' expectations were that each of the previous editions (2 to 4 of RBC plus one extra revision not called another edition) was that those would be final editions! We anticipate, at this time, that there may be some minor revisions but not of the level of a new edition. Instead, or more accurately, additionally, we are now directly proceeding with the production of Space, Time and Consciousness (STC) an advanced E-book requiring RBC5 as an introduction. This STC E-book develops some of our RBC5 themes in some detail, including more of the mathematics. Your download of these booksAfter ordering on the Brainvoyage.com site (which requires your registering first) you will be given the opportunity to download these books. Please note if you have paid through PayPal if you are not automatically redirected to the Brainvoyage site, you should return there. If you miss doing this, the download is available again for up to two weeks. Please look at the E-mail you are sent.When you download RBC5 or RBC--KF, you will find one large zipped file. Inside the one large zipped file, when downloading, you will find two other zipped files in RBC--KF as there are PDFs, MOBIs, and E-Pubs of both RBC--KF and RBC--GG. However, when you download RBC--5 there is the zipped file of RBC5 in PDF, MOBI and E-Pubs plus a separate RBC--GG PDF. Each also contains this Read Me. If you have already downloaded, by reaching this read me file, you've already navigated some of the download. You must now click the zipped rbc5 file to read it. It is both PC and Mac compatible. (Of course, you could be reading it on the Brainvoyage.com site as well and this is why we've given you this information.) Why don't we have the MOBI and E-PUB in RBC5 order? The reason why we only have a PDF of RBC--GG2 to Reality Begins With Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift That Works is because the file would be so enormous if we supplied all three, that it is not feasible. But with the latter RBC--Key Features we are offering all three (PDF, EPUB and MOBI) as a complimentary addition. If, you already have Reality Begins With Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift That Works and want the MOBI and EPUB of Glimpses and Glossary, please email Admin@brainvoyage.com and you will be able to obtain it for $4.99 extra at the time of purchase because there is a $5 reduction on every additional item you buy. The only change between Editions 1 and 2 is that the Glossary has been slightly updated. The Glimpses remain the same. Other quick questions:What is the reason to purchase, RBC--Key Features?This is an abbreviated version of RBC5. RBC--KF was produced for the first time in August 2013 and in Second Edition in March 2014. It now comes with Glimpses and Glossary (all three versions: EPUB, MOBI, and PDF). The major difference between the two editions is the first chapter: This is a very comprehensive discussion of the TDVP model; more than in Reality Begins with Consciousness 5th Edition [RBC5] because it focuses on that summary and RBC5 delivers that information through the book. You may find it useful acquiring both E-books because for the extra cost of RBC--Key Features, you obtain also the MOBI and EPUB. Why not an outside vendor? Please note that these books are not currently available to an outside discount retailer such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble. If they were at any point to carry these books, there would be no complimentary RBC--Glimpses and Glossary and you would likely only receive one version (e.g., the MOBI). But even if you received all three, the combination price with the complimentary RBC--GG2 would be cheapest through Brainvoyage.com and you will also be supporting the important research of Drs Neppe and Close more than through these outside distribution sources. Which version should I read: The PDF, MOBI, or E-PUB? You have the option of reading any of the 3 versions here: The PDF is the one we recommend because of pagination, footnotes and indexing. The E-Pub and the MOBI make such detailed reading more difficult. Note that we are not charging extra for the E-PUB and MOBI, these are complimentary with the rest of a purchase. There are many who like to read it in MOBI on their Kindle for example. We cannot guarantee their functionality but they have been checked. The majority of our readers therefore, like to read this challenging book in the PDF format because you can still do so on many devices besides your regular PC or Mac or I-Pad: PDFs have the advantage of being able to know which page you were on when interrupted, you can more easily negotiate to other pages and back, and you have easier access to locating footnotes and references. PDFs can be read provided you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is standard on all computers and can also be downloaded free on E-Readers of almost every kind. Occasionally, we find certain letters in words suddenly capitalize (e.g. AppendicES) for no reason in, for example, the MOBI (this is not a critique of the MOBI but may be the translator used or hidden code in the original .doc document). However, this is another reason why we're recommending the PDF versions. Endnotes and Footnotes: In the actual PDF of this book, there are footnoted comments on numerous pages tagged to the actual text comments. We cannot easily do this in the MOBI and EPBUB versions but you can always check the exact footnote position in the PDF that you also have. However, sometimes these footnotes are worth reading on their own. Because of that, in the MOBI and E-Pub we have pasted them under a new heading at the end of the book (after the References section) and we have created a header and called them Endnotes. This creates an irrelevant extra contents page of bookmarks in the MOBI at the end of RBC: KF and RBC 5. However, there were so few footnotes in RBC: Glimpses and Glossary, that we have added them onto the appropriate page. E-Pubs and MOBIs also require the appropriate Electronic Readers to read books (though even E-Readers, such as Kindle, Nook and I-pad, can use the PDF anyway). For those using these tablet devices, there may be proprietary software. We have this time been able to include free proprietary software (such as that on the Kindle, the MOBI; however, we give this as is and cannot guarantee that it will work). You should already have that software, for example, on your Kindle device). That should therefore be a non-issue. Are their areas on the Internet that can help me?Yes, indeed!Firstly, you may find it valuable to print out or simply examine the Key Terms Glossary at https://brainvoyage.com/RBC/glossary.php. This should be the same Glossary that appears in the RBC 5th Edition (unless one has a minor update before the other catches up!) The current sub-edition can be found in the footer of the PDFs e.g. 5 or 50 implies version 5.0 which is current. Secondly, we are continually adding to our work. You can visit VernonNeppe.org in that regard and as of April 2014, VernonNeppe.com, a sister research site, mainly on the research of Dr Neppe and Dr Close will become available. Thirdly, we strongly recommend you visit http://www.vernonneppe.org/presents.html (or go to VernonNeppe.org and click on PRESENTATIONS. The authors have spent a great deal of time producing and continuing to add YouTubes to clarify certain areas. Finally, we strongly suggest you go through the various menus on Brainvoyage.com under Reality Begins with Consciousness (www.brainvoyage.com/RBC/). Your confirmatory E-mail. You should receive a confirmatory Email with information on how to download your documents. Clearly, if you are reading this after downloading, you have already mastered that. However, if you need to download it again, please use the link in the email we sent you, put in your registration codes and re-access till the download expires. Please enjoy studying this electronic book. This may take some time. We are perceiving it as equivalent to a specialized degree in multidisciplinary studies. So it is not just a book to be read in one session. And do remember that legitimate scientific feedback allows our model to have more applications. What is coming down the pipeline? New books! We are actively working towards producing three hard copy and electronic books for the general reader. These are based on the TDVP model but are directed towards hopefully making our world and our reality a better and more productive place. We anticipate all being E-books and Bound copies. The first book is a co-authored effort, provisionally entitled The Answer: Science and Spirituality. This is directly about our TDVP model. The other two books are anticipated first as E-Books and then as Bound Printed Copies. The titles provisionally are: "Our search for meaning" and "Our purpose in life". These two combine Dr Neppe's expertise in this area, with his international recognition in Psychiatry, Psychology and Consciousness studies, and also incorporate some of the TDVP principles. All these may be published as early as late 2014 or 2015. What if you bought an earlier edition? Is there an upgrade route: Secondly, if you know of someone who has bought an earlier edition of RBC, we are upgrading them just for the price of the Glimpses and Glossary, namely $9.99. If the purchaser has bought RBC any time since 1 January 2013, we will upgrade for free. In order to do this, the purchaser will have to use our special codes. You must write to us at Admin@Brainvoyage.com, and indicate proof of purchase from Brainvoyage.com. That is your obligation please to facilitate no extra time. YOU should have a code on the email, or if lost, your ordering name and we may be able to trace it. Of course, the Glimpses and Glossary is already available to you so this message would be for any friend you have who purchased an earlier version. Please note that we can only honor such upgrade codes only if you produce the appropriate proof of purchase. (If you have already paid for an upgrade, we cannot refund: This special offer is pre-purchase not after purchase). All of this is exciting. What is the most exciting part? Chapter 9 of RBC discusses what may be one of the most important discoveries in Physics of this century. We demonstrate why our reality is 9 dimensions and not just 4. This makes the versions 4th Edition and 5th Edition (now available) of the E-book a potential collector's item as it is historical. Because of this we've included this chapter also in RBC: Key Features. This is also appearing at the foot of https://brainvoyage.com/RBC/later-edition-changes.php. For those who have purchased, please keep the Email you were sent. We cannot replace it. Thank you so much. The Brainvoyage.com team. 2As always, of course, typographical, grammatical, reference and linguistic improvements were also made. Home | Cry the Beloved Mind | Reality Begins with Consciousness | Déjà Vu | Order Books | PNI.org | Contact BrainVoyage |
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